sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2011

End of one year, a new one arrives soon...

Difficult year...
Challenges and obstacles...
One would say we are flexing our muscles for whatever is coming!
In the midst of economic and social upheaval a bit everywhere, one tries to find a guiding light.

I believe it was T.S.Eliot who wrote:

"Ever try, ever fail, no matter.
Try again, fail again, fail BETTER!"

I feel these words may function as a sort of guiding light.
We are bound to make mistakes...
Our infinite tiredness may leads us to stop trying sometimes,
but the GOODNESS in our Hearts will urge us to give our very best.

This is my wish and compromise for the incoming year.


Lisbon 30th December 2011.

(Photo by Isabel)

segunda-feira, janeiro 25, 2010

Lisboa, the Eternal City experienced in the feminine

Every time I walk through the City, it becomes apparent that it is ALIVE!

It has its own ways, moods and atmosphere...

All you have to do to discover them, is to walk through its streets, using all your senses...

There is such a JOY in the incredible LIGHT that bathes this City!
The streets stroll down its seven hills, with their colourful houses,
the trees and the pervasive sounds of LIFE all around...

In perpetual games of light and shadow, this Mysterious, Feminine Being reveals itself...
Its Beauty canot but be perceived by the one who looks and sees!

All the nuances of colour, light, warmth, perfumed wind and lively sounds wrap us in
their embrace... It is like a trip to an undetermined time - somewhere in the past,
and yet incredibly close to the heart-beat, happening now, right now!

A City shared by so many...
Not only the women and men, but all those from Past Memories and Future Dreams,
the Citizens of the City in the Becoming...
If only the stones of the city could speack, what stories would they tell!
With passion and luminous clarity would they tell us of their age old stories...
(Text and photos by Isabel)

sábado, janeiro 02, 2010


Sending you all my very BEST SEASONAL GREETINGS for 2010!

Because these sincere wishes are self evident, instead of a long text, let me just share with you some beautifull picturs of Lisbon.


2nd. January 2010, Lisboa

(Photos by Isabel)

domingo, agosto 30, 2009

RIP Ted Kennedy

Dear Ted Kennedy,

Growing up an Aquarian in the Sixties made me very early aware of the wide world, even though I was growing up in the westernmost European country in Europe, Portugal.

From watching man's landing on the Moon, age seven (which meant a special authorization from Father to stay up all night, due to time difference in Portugal) to all that went on happening in our world, you and your Family became a PRESENCE in my life very early and never left it.

I see through any of your flaws - would you be a real HUMAN BEING if you did not have them? But GREATER are your undeniable QUALITIES and your SPIRIT OF SERVICE to MANKIND.
Listening to the episode of the refuzeniks I could only feel how GLOBAL a citizen you were. I miss you already. May your Soul go on to ever greater accomplishments.



(This text was first left as a comment on - the photo is mine and merely means to uplift our thoughts... taken from the sky...)


segunda-feira, maio 04, 2009

Greetings from the Atlantic!



All of these pictures were taken by me in a fishermen's town called PENICHE, in the western Atlantic area around ninety quilometers north of Lisbon.

The Atlantic is deeply intertwined with our Soul of navigators and adventurers.
It also plays the role of Lullaby singer when we feel drained or in need of soothing...

Its sheer energy is a wonderful incentive to LIVE.

And there are many inspiring moments to treasure forever...

With best greetings to all, from sunny Portugal and the Peniche Atlantic Ocean!
03 rd. May 2009.
(Photos by Isabel)

domingo, abril 19, 2009

Lisbon's lovely Balconies...

Walking through Lisbon one can find all sorts of colours and lively sights, from beautiful flowered balconies, to the typical "mercearias" which sell fruit and vegetables and whose shop windows are so refreshing to look at!

Everywhere, some explosion of colour catches your eye... in a source of permanent Joy.

Things may be as common as a restaurant decorating it's windows with simple transparent glass bottles with white flowers inside...

Or they can be more complex, as this example of a balcony with two different sorts of flowers falling in a "cascade" of colour, in a silent colourfull duet!

I hope you all enjoy it as much as me!
Lisbon, 19th. April 2009.

(Photos by Isabel).

domingo, março 29, 2009

Welcoming the Spring with NEW EYES...


Lisbon is a mysterious town, secretive and beautiful, feminine in its atmosphere… and as such, a bit illusive…

But to go through its streets simply observing and perceiving all the life that is flowing through it at every moment, is a unique experience…

Be it along its narrow streets that go up and down it seven hills, or from one of several spots from which one can perceive the breathtaking panorama, or even from its old Castle - from which a magnificent view can be enjoyed - this a City one learns to know and love by opening up our eyes, ears, but mainly our HEARTS.

That is why I leave these pictures, to share this lightness of being that Lisbon exhales, this happiness in movement and sound… This magnificent place to be born or live in, or simply to visit!

Lisbon, 29th. March 2009
(Photos by Isabel)

domingo, janeiro 18, 2009

Poetry in the streets of Lisbon...

Beautiful Lisbon! Where the Light is unique in its nuances, shadows and lace...

Sacred City built upon Seven original Hills... The Legend says that it inherits its name from Ulisses, who in his travels would have founded Lisbon...

A city with almost "palpable" JOY...
A certain lightness in the air, an invitation to walk and reflect...

In its many winding roads, light, colour, shape and people all combining to bring you to an introspective mood, a longing for the Happiness of simple things and good friends...

The first announcement of impending night...

How would it be possible not to LOVE this City?
(photos by Isabel).

sexta-feira, janeiro 02, 2009

Back in the New Year...

It's been a loooong silence... But Lisbon is still shining, bright in this Christmas Season...

I remember, as I was a child, how this Season was lived in the homes of all those who shared the Spirit of Christmas... Long ago, in this country it was mostly the "creche" that was traditional... but then, through the years, the Christmas Tree also became a "must" in most homes.

In the last few years, Lisbon has started to have a huge Tree in a central place - so, I am showing this year's at the top of Edward VIIth Park...

But there is a special atmosphere in this city, even when it is not Christmas... On those other times and moods, I will speack next time!

Happy New Year to all!


domingo, janeiro 15, 2006

From the womb of the night...

From the womb of the night
cometh the light
with promises of new beginnings.
And the memory of stars
sheds a mysterious glow
into small, everyday things.

Everything is full of Magic
when the Breath becomes the Power
of the Love that binds us all.
And the Magic is the Beauty,
the simplicity of Nature,
sights and sounds and smells
and Love.

And the Magic becomes stronger
the simpler our life becomes,
for an empty hand can give
so much more than all the riches
if it's filled with Loving Light,
if it travels with new Wings.

Through clean waters
and fresh breeze
do we refresh these
our bodies,
Garments of Light and of Sound.

And by pronnouncing the Words
create new Worlds of Becoming
re-creating our World.

Anticipating the future
we live in the Present Moment
just being whole and transparent,
so that the Magic in Nature
can fill our hearts with the Love
that shows the Wisdom inside...

So that the Magic won't hide
the Glory of LOVE BECOMING
the Splendour
of Loving LIGHT.


(Photo by Isabel of the Magic Mist of a Foggy Morning at the Country side...)